Our Discount codes have a few Terms and conditions which can be found HERE
To use a code on our site please follow the steps below:
- Add your items to your basket.
- Once complete, click on your basket and click on view basket.
- Your items will be listed with a sub total.
- Under the subtotal but above the black check out button it will say 'Gift or Promo Code'.
- Click here and type the code into the pop-up box and click apply.
- The subtotal will then amend to reflect the discount.
- Click the black checkout button to go through to the shipping and payment options.
If the code is still not working please see the possible reasons below:
- You are not logged into your VIVOBAREFOOT Account (to sign up, please click here - https://www.vivobarefoot.com/uk/customer/account/create/
- You are not making a purchase for items that are reduced or part of a promotion (discount codes are only valid on items fully priced in the basket)
- You enter the code manually rather than copy and paste.
- The code may no longer be valid.
- The code may be item specific (free courses, free shipping)
- The code may be country specific.
- There may be too many items in the basket
If you have any other issues or questions please feel free to reach out to our Barefoot Buddies via our form HERE
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