Updating your account details on Vivobarefoot is straightforward. Here's how you can do it:
- Log in to your account by clicking the 'My Account' icon in the top right corner of any page.
- Go to "Your Details": Here, you can update your name, country, telephone number, date of birth, and gender. You can also change your email address and password on this page.
- To update your address, go to the Address Book: In this section, you can add or update your default billing and shipping addresses, as well as save additional addresses.
Don't forget to click 'Save' after making any changes. If you need help, our Barefoot Buddies are always available to assist!
Can I change details for an existing order?
Unfortunately, once an order has been placed, we are unable to change any address or personal information, as the order is immediately sent to our warehouse for picking and shipping.
If you need further assistance with your order, please contact our Barefoot Buddies, and we’ll do our best to help.
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