Our full list of distributors and stores to shop Vivobarefoot can be found in our Store Locations page.
We advise you to shop at http://www.vivobarefoot.com/ or in any of the legitimate sites listed below which are managed either by Vivobarefoot and/or from our distribution partners.
International (includes UK, US, Canada and all regions not listed below) http://www.vivobarefoot.com/
Australia: http://www.vivobarefoot.com.au/
Austria: http://www.vivobarefoot.com/eu
Canada: http://www.vivobarefoot.com/ca
Czech Republic: http://www.vivobarefoot.cz/
Finland: https://vivokauppa.fi/fi / http://vivobarefoot.fi/
Israel: http://www.vivobarefoot.il/
Japan: https://vivobarefoot.co.jp/
South Africa: https://vivobarefoot.co.za/
Switzerland: https://www.vivobarefoot.ch/
If you spot a site or a distributor you are not sure of, please contact our customer service team and do not purchase from them until we can confirm if the vendor is legitimate.