We understand how frustrating it can be when an item you purchased goes on sale shortly after. Unfortunately, we’re unable to refund the difference in price. However, we want to make sure you’re satisfied with your purchase, so here’s an alternative solution:
You can return your item under our 100-day trial and place a new order at the sale price (if the item is still available).
Important things to keep in mind:
- Stock availability: We can’t hold items for you, so there’s a chance the product may sell out before you place your new order.
- Sale prices: Sale prices can change quickly and are only valid for a limited time. We can’t guarantee the price will remain the same when you reorder.
- Return processing time: Keep in mind that it may take a few days to process your return and refund after we’ve received your item.
If you’d like help with the return process or have questions about sale items, please contact our Barefoot Buddies via our Contact Form.
We appreciate your understanding and hope this solution helps you enjoy your Vivobarefoot products at the best possible price!
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