You can tell a lot about the health of your feet by the shape of them.
If your foot scan flags Morton's Toe, Excess Pronation, or Excess Supronation, it doesn't mean your feet are unhealthy or bad. It simply suggests that BIOME'S might not be the best fit for you.
Here's a quick rundown on what each of these means:
Morton's Toe: This condition, named after Dr. Dudley Morton, results in the second toe appearing longer than the big toe due to an abnormal length of the metatarsal bone. It can lead to discomfort, pain, and swelling in the ball of the foot, particularly during prolonged standing or walking.
Excess Pronation: Also known as overpronation, this common condition occurs when the arches of the feet collapse inward excessively during the normal rolling motion of the foot. This can cause issues such as flat feet, fallen arches, and misalignment of the lower body, contributing to foot pain, shin splints, knee pain, and other discomforts.
Excess Supronation: Unlike overpronation, oversupronation involves an outward rolling of the foot during the gait cycle. This leads to high arches, increased pressure on the outer edge of the foot, ankle instability, and reduced shock absorption during walking or running. It can result in problems like ankle sprains, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis.
While we can't provide medical advice or treatments, we recommend consulting with a podiatrist who may suggest foot exercises to help improve these conditions.
We also offer a range tools and course that can help transition into the barefoot lifestyle. This can be found HERE